Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering vs Amazon Glacier - Which Cloud-based Backup Solution is Better for Long-Term Archiving?

January 20, 2022

Backup solutions are essential for any organization that would like to safeguard their valuable data. Long-term archiving, in particular, has been a concern for businesses as data volumes increase at an unprecedented pace. Data retention protocols have become stricter over the years, hence the need for efficient and reliable backup solutions. This article examines two popular cloud-based backup solutions: Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering and Amazon Glacier. We provide an unbiased comparison of the two solutions, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.

Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering

Amazon S3 is a popular cloud-based backup solution that offers a wide array of features. One of its strengths is the "Intelligent Tiering" feature. This feature automatically moves data objects between four different access tiers based on changing access patterns and cost requirements. The four tiers include:

  1. Frequent Access Tier - For data that is accessed regularly.
  2. Infrequent Access Tier - For data that is accessed less frequently.
  3. Archive Access Tier - For data that is accessed only once or twice a year.
  4. Deep Archive Access Tier - For data that is accessed once every few years.

Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering is an excellent choice for long-term archiving because it optimizes storage costs by moving data objects across different access tiers. This results in reduced storage costs while ensuring data availability.

Pros of Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering

  • Automatically moves data objects across different access tiers, optimizing storage costs.
  • Data objects are stored across multiple availability zones for durability and high availability.
  • Supports versioning, which allows for easy recovery of previous versions of data objects.
  • Supports lifecycle policies, which simplifies retention management.

Cons of Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering

  • Higher storage costs compared to Amazon Glacier.
  • Charges additional fees for data retrievals.

Amazon Glacier

Amazon Glacier is a cloud-based backup solution that is perfect for long-term archiving. It provides durable and secure storage for data at a lower cost than Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering. Glacier is designed for data that is accessed rarely and where retrieval times of several hours are acceptable.

Pros of Amazon Glacier

  • Lower storage costs compared to Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering.
  • Provides durable and secure storage for data.
  • Supports lifecycle policies for retention management.

Cons of Amazon Glacier

  • Slow retrieval times, ranging from several minutes to several hours.
  • Data is stored across fewer availability zones compared to Amazon S3, making it less available in the case of a disaster.
  • No automatic tiering of data objects.

Which is Better for Long-term Archiving?

Choosing between Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering and Amazon Glacier depends on the specific needs of your organization. If you require quick access to data objects, then Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering is the best option. However, if retrieval times of several hours are acceptable, then Amazon Glacier provides a lower-cost solution.

In conclusion, Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering and Amazon Glacier are both reliable cloud-based backup solutions. Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering is better suited for organizations that require quick access to data objects, while Amazon Glacier is better suited for long-term archiving where retrieval times of several hours are acceptable.


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